
2023 IEEE Symposium on Security and PrivacyQueryX: Symbolic Query on Decompiled Code for Finding Bugs in COTS BinariesJun 21, 2023
30th USENIX Security SymposiumPrecise and Scalable Detection of Use-after-Compacting-Garbage-Collection BugsAug 11, 2021
In Proceedings of the USENIX Security SymposiumMontage: A Neural Network Language Model-Guided JavaScript Engine FuzzerAug 14, 2020
IEEE Transactions on Software EngineeringThe Art, Science, and Engineering of Fuzzing: A SurveyOct 11, 2019
In Proceedings of the NDSS WorkShop on Binary Analysis Research (Best Paper Award)B2R2: Building an Efficient Front-End for Binary AnalysisFeb 24, 2019
In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications SecurityBreaking and Fixing VoLTE: Exploiting Hidden Data Channels and Mis-implementationsOct 12, 2015
In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications SecurityPlatform-independent programsOct 04, 2010